Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Lamongan berkomitmen "No Gratifikasi" untuk mewujudkan Pemerintahan yang Bersih dan Bebas KKN
Training of National Socio-Economic Survey Officer (Susenas) March 2018.
February 4, 2018 | BPS Activities
Meeting Room of Hotel Mahkota Lamongan is filled with about 30
participants consisting of 7 Field Personnel Officers (PML) and 23 Field
Enumerators (PCL) attended the National Survey of Social Economic
Survey (Susenas) training in March 2018. After singing the Indonesian
National Anthem, Motivation was also given byHead of Regency BPSLamongan who also read the opening speech of Head of BPS of East Java Province, and opened this training.The
training of Susenas officers is conducted in 2 waves: First wave 4-7
February 2018 at Mahkota Lamongan hotel and second wave 16-19 February
2018 at hotel Elresas Lamongan.
In his
motivation, Kadarwati asked the trainees of Susenas officers not to be
participants who only participate in training as tasks but to motivate
themselves to dig up information in the Susenas data collection based on
the facts that actually happened in the field.