Data Validation of Lamongan Regency Regional Potential - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lamongan Regency

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Data Validation of Lamongan Regency Regional Potential

Data Validation of Lamongan Regency Regional Potential

September 4, 2022 | Other Activities

Indonesia is a member of the G20 and is currently the G20 Presidency, all activities related to this are carried out in Indonesia so that this opportunity is used as much as possible by the government to raise the economy in the eyes of the world.

One of its activities is to offer regional potential, both at the district/city/provincial level throughout Indonesia, through data dissemination in each region which is displayed on the page.

The National Library of Indonesia together with the Regional Archives and Libraries Office of Lamongan Regency, along with 14 (fourteen) vertical agencies/OPD, held a data validation meeting of the Lamongan Regency Regional Potential, which was held on Friday, 2 Friday 2022, in the Wis Sip La room, Archives Service. and the Regional Library of Lamongan Regency.

The fourteen agencies are the Central Bureau of Statistics/BPS, UPT Forestry Service of East Java Province, Bapelitbangda, Diskominfotik, Fisheries Service, Disparbud, Food Security and Agriculture Service, Disperindag, Education Office, Social Service, Investment Service and One Stop Integrated Service, Dishub, Dispendukcapil, Natural Resources Section.

For BPS, this activity is very important, because it can be an arena for collaboration between parties (Penta helix) for data dissemination, and according to Presidential Decree 39 of 2019 concerning One Indonesian Data (SDI), BPS as the builder of statistical data can provide direction and guidance regarding the use of SDI principles. and priority data displayed on the page.

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