Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Lamongan berkomitmen "No Gratifikasi" untuk mewujudkan Pemerintahan yang Bersih dan Bebas KKN
Holiday diving in the fishpond area performs KSA surveys, maintaining quality data.
February 3, 2018 | BPS Activities
Supervision to
maintain the quality of observation Data Collection of Area Sampling
Frame (KSA) conducted by Supervisor of KSA BPS Kab.Lamongan. Nur Wachid, S.sos as KSA Supervisory Officer, without hesitation to go down to the rice field observing."I
followed BPS and BPS Partners into the paddy field, following by
themselves how the data was taken to produce reliable rice production
data KSA is an important beginning This is a sophisticated,
sophisticated tool, how we map from vegetation. While Head of BPS Kab.Lamongan Sri Kadarwati also took to the field to encourage the KSA officers